Best Tablet on the Market 2014

Best Tablet on the Market 2014, As a developer I have to have both iOS and android tablets, and I've been quite pleased with the iPad2 so when I got the Transformer I expected "nice" but not "great".

Best Tablet on the Market 2012Well, that changed pretty quickly.

After just a few days with it I became so enamored of the Transformer's performance, customizability, MicroSD expansion slot, and excellent screen, that it became my tablet of choice, relegating the iPad2 to testing only.

So I got the optional keyboard dock, and now the Transformer has not only replaced my iPad2 but also my netbook.

Extra bonus points: the distinctive appearance of the Transformer is both aesthetically pleasing and quite practical, the patterned surface making it easy to hold it firmly without risk of slipping.

And with the best tablet on the market 2012 keyboard dock, it slips into my shoulder bag without concern for anything bumping against the glass screen like I have with the iPad. The tablet weighs only a few ounces more than the iPad2, but the build quality makes it so durable that I can't say I mind.

I've been delightfully surprised by this more-than-capable tablet. I don't think I've enjoyed a tech purchase as much as this one in a long time.